Resolution on Teacher Certification

American Federation of Teachers (unknown)

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Item Metadata (#3480105)

ID: 3480105

Title: Resolution on Teacher Certification

Creator: American Federation of Teachers

Date: unknown

Description: AFT resolution regarding teacher certification

Subjects: Education Reform

Location: Washington, D.C

Original Format: Paper

Source: American Federation of Teachers,. (unknown) Teacher Certification. 2.

Publisher: WPR

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'WBl!-:REAS, Tcc:~chc;l' [ho'<'~ec h~l$ c8.uscd Borne public schools to JOW8J: l'Ccp.-1l.:t'C" nlCmtr; fOJ: tf:acbC'J's, \\'c feel nonetheJcss con1pc:l1cd to contend that· thi.s il;: an '":I.'C2. in which. no lUJ.'thc::t: ground shoul.d be giv(;n; the:1.'c~ i'ol'C hi:: it
nESOLVl~D~ That we. p:-r:oposc that the cCi:tifica.tion of teachers ht;L,h2.scd 'GpOll General cduc(),tlon; and be: it iUl'thcr
RESOLVED: That we PJ.'OpOSC a rd.nhnunJ of a Bachelor's deg:ree 01' cqul'l.":!.1Ci.t on all levels. (1958)
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Even in thos~ stat(~s which havc p:ofer;sion<tl st2.ndards for ecrti"
ficCl.tiolls cel'l?in school bo<.wds hire tmqu2.1iiied teachers uDdel'
f}pcda.l or temporary ccrtiiiccd:cs; c.nd
WH£l\EASl The pl'(~SCl)ce of i.1npl'cparcrJ tcachc rs is' c1i ~ n1pth-e of s c1.oo1 di~:dpJjno a'ld depr.ives Ptll)ils of an ? <:c1ucation; nov,' there~ . f.o 1'13 l~(: it
.RESOLVED: That the AFT l'eaffi1T.Cl its resolutions adopted hi 1958 rcc}ull'w£ a Dachcd.o):'s Degree or lts equivalent 102.' certification of a.llteache::s, <':'.1)c1 be it fm.'th.:-i,'
RESOLVED: That: no pct§~e ernployc~L(;vcn uncler a temp02'c.l'Y CC1,t5.{ic,:.te .who hcH; not: c01-nplctcd his Bachelor's Dcg,..ce•. (1959)
WHEREAS) the AFT by convi.mtion action adopted a basic pl'inciplc of self-])clp and sclf-c1il'cction in, respect to teacher certi•fication; cUld
\\1IERE!\s, ee:rtification is regulated by statu:'c.c in most st8tes; and
\w-lliREAS) any n~oc1:i_ficati()n of statutes is -greatly infJ.u811ceC! 1::>)' treJ1ds and efforts in other; and
l\lJERr.J\S) the ~lfT has already started procedures to place ccrtificEI.•tion in the h(-1J)ds of teachers in Minnesot.a ;no\·.' ) therefore) be it
RESOLVED: that the AFT in convention assembled endQrse l"1)e drive for eerU fj cat) OJ) of 1'C2Chcrs by teachcrs {;) a11 fift)' states. (1961)
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American Federation of Teachers, "Resolution on Teacher Certification," in American Federation of Teachers Historical Collection Historical Collection, Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University, Item #3480105, (accessed March 12, 2025).


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