Toledo's Intern Program

Toledo Federation of Teachers (1989-08)

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Item Metadata (#3480011)

ID: 3480011

Title: Toledo's Intern Program

Creator: Toledo Federation of Teachers

Date: 1989-08

Description: Toledo's Intern Program

Subjects: Education

Location: Toledo, OH

Original Format: Paper

Source: Toledo Federation of Teachers. (1989). Toledo's intern program. 1.

Publisher: WPR

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General Information

The Toledo Public Schools Intern Program is designed to provide assistance and evaluation by
outstanding experienced teachers for first-year teachers, long-term substitutes, and teachers
new to the Toledo Public Schools.

The position of intern teacher consultant is advertised in the staff bulletin. Qualifications are a
minimum of five (5) years of outstanding teaching service, and five references (three from
teachers who were currently teaching in the same building as the applicant and a
recommendation from the TFT building representative and building principal). After a
preliminary paper screening, applicants are interviewed. The teachers selected have a variety
of backgrounds, including special education, physical education, elementary, and secondary
education. The teaching performance of the prospective applicants is observed by former
consulting teachers.

The consulting teachers are limited to three years actual experience in the program after which
they return to their regular classroom assignment .. Each consulting teacher receives an
additional $5,165 in salary. Consulting teachers attend meetings of the Intern Board of Review
which are held during the school year.

The consulting teachers submit periodic reports to the Intern Board of Review regarding the
status of each of the interns with whom they are working. During the first year, the
observation and subsequent evaluations are done solely by the consulting teacher. The
principal completes the Principal Summary form (see page 11 of the Toledo Plan Intern/
Intervention/Evaluation) and forwards it to the consulting teacher who shares the
evaluation with the intern. During the second year of probation, it is the principal's
responsibility to evaluate and make a recommendation regarding the status of the teacher. The
same evaluation procedures and standards are used. Four-year limited contracts are granted
after the second successful year.

The program is governed by the Intern Board of Review consisting of five union
representatives and four management. representatives. The Intern Board of Review accepts or
rejects the evaluation recommendations of the consulting teachers, assigns consulting teachers,
controls applicable inservice, manages the budget, and is responsible for all other aspects of
the program. Recommendations of the Intern Board of Review are sent to the superintendent
who, under Ohio law, recommends the termination or contract renewal to the Toledo Board of

The chairmanship of the Intern Board of Review is rotated annually between the president of
the Toledo Federation of Teachers and the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and

The intern program can be terminated by either union or management at any time upon written
notice. June, 1998 marked the end of the seventeenth year of the program's existence. About
ten percent of all intern teachers fail to meet the performance standards of the program.

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Toledo Federation of Teachers, "Toledo's Intern Program," in American Federation of Teachers Historical Collection Historical Collection, Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University, Item #3480011, (accessed March 12, 2025).


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