Competency tests for teachers?

United Teachers of New York (1981-12)

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Item Metadata (#3480044)

ID: 3480044

Title: Competency tests for teachers?

Creator: United Teachers of New York

Date: 1981-12

Description: An article that addresses whether or not teachers should have to take competency tests

Subjects: Education

Location: Albany, NY

Original Format: Article

Source: United Teachers of New York,. (1981, December). Competency tests for teachers?. 1.

Publisher: WPR

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From the Office of Public Relations

Incompetent tea.chers and administratos are major problems in high schools, a survey of top students reported this week. Actually, we didn't need a high school survey to point' 'that out, did we? More than half o.f the 22,000 youths answer ing the poll by "Who's Who Among Aerican High School Studeni"said they have worked with up to three unqualified teachers. Thirtyseven percent. said they have had from four to ' . ∑ 10 poor teachers. Other interesting items to come out of the , survey were: ' . ∑ 73 percent of the. students said drugs are'8 : major factor affecting violence in schools. ., 76 percent said school. administrators , should expeltroublemakers. ∑ Students have more confidence in brpadcast media, 71 percent, than in print, 58 percent. Nearly a third watch between 16 and 28 ,'hours of television weekly. , ∑ 44 percent believe premarital sex is not acceptableand the majority, 55 percent,qp not favor abortion. ' ∑ 45 percent have a great deal of confidence : in the presidency t,his year in contrast to 19r ' percent in 1980. Those are rather 'astute observations by high schoolers. But there's more. A .third of those participating in the 12th annual' poU, focusing mainly on education, favored testing ∑ teachers regulrly to determine conwetencY. . ' We concur. . . '. ' ∑'1 , ' , , The teapg profession is .li a,nY ∑∑Q t er.':'i .
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑



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. It's necessary at timesJo cut.waydead wood, those workers who ve b:ecome CiinppI'acent, . who only treat their Jobss∑s routine. aowveJ:, ∑ strong teaeher uiliQAS in' .ntay:".,cases have prevented that frornlia'ppnhlg . Once a. teacher gets tenure, it's dilfieulttocut him' awE/.Y. . Competency testing in tll publisector is required in some ∑ circle$.∑ \Vhy. not. for teachers, whose job is to teach OUr' children? It's a little discouraging : t(Lre 4 note sent a home to parents that ar fraug4t-Witn. spelling . . . . ' errors. . The state Board. otRegents has' discussed the possibility of testing newt¢acbe.ra,'But we feel the board should expand t1wttopic :tQ iriclude teachers alreayirt thrhks! For tlios teachers just∑ going through the motions day aftet day, competency test.s would certainly compel the.m to take more of an interest. in their.profes.lon and to kep up: to date' on chaqges, especially .. those in eaching methods. '" . ' The fact,.. that hih shool stude.ts .llave . blown the Whistfe'on their' teachers is jndie'a,som :>hres, veto b:e , . l•la. '∑i; y . : ( :
. . . ' . . . " . ' . , . ' " . "






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United Teachers of New York, "Competency tests for teachers? ," in American Federation of Teachers Historical Collection Historical Collection, Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University, Item #3480044, (accessed March 12, 2025).


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