Remain Committed to Improving Arkansas' Education

Arkansas Federation of Teachers (1984-06)

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Item Metadata (#3480056)

ID: 3480056

Title: Remain Committed to Improving Arkansas' Education

Creator: Arkansas Federation of Teachers

Date: 1984-06

Description: An article about improving education in Arkansas through teacher testing

Subjects: Education Reform

Location: Arkansas

Original Format: Article

Source: Antonelli, G.A. (1984, June 12). Remain committed to improving arkansas' education. Arkansas Democrat, 1.

Publisher: WPR

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pass rate for the National Teacher Examination in the Division of Education at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff experiences a 31 point increase in 1984. The 1983 pass rate was 42%. In 1984 it had increased to 73%.






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Remain committed to imprying Arkansas' education


., he' " .. !'t∑. !"lna:'uu- "C1Ut'nc.'t-' a d suit n I;,nu' ..I I'IllIrOl" . . "al rt.'flll lll tn ,\1 k"ll,a, c∑"11 hI.' d,∑f lllt"d. ,1"1,,... ,,11'''. <It∑\"t'lol'l'd .. nd IIc'mlln,cr alt∑.. I,\" the w o rk of Ihn"" 1"'l'lIrl;olli t.ask fon'l's ,Th Ark;lII,a. t:du"aliunal Stil ndarch l""Dlllllttl' has 1.'\"011∑ uah'd thl' " ! l' lIlt' nia rv 5l'CUIIII∑ ' ;,r l>l∑h ...,1 nlrru:ula Thl' t\r∑ karsa lJUilhl IIlgher .:dll,∑a∑ hun COlllllllltl'" IS e"aluaulIg Ihe uIIIH∑r'lty,,∑.,lIl'gc urn∑ "ula Tht.' A rkan sa s Teadlt.'r Ect ucallon . t"l'rhflutiull and t:, aluallon ('lImmitt i s \tud)∑tnl: l.rl'∑Sl'l'\"lce.ln∑Sl'rvic Iralntnll as It n'lah's tu tca("her

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C,II' Bill Chnlnn tht' rl'pre∑ enlah\ 'o!' "lCl "∑f1&I ....∑ nl∑ the.∑ ,\rk:II"'" I.,,. . I-Ialo .. t∑ :l lId Ih,' C"lllt'JI "f .-\rkil"iIS .Uta ;'"l'ntl'l lII In makl' . \rka n ∑ !'- ..... a ∑'I"lIut u( 111-I,urlu.,I') ' lur .t!\ '"',,' 1I1l1...rl;IfII ...1 ""n I"

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr, G´Ir A, An/'" I. M.n of the O/v"/on 0' T∑∑c h' Educ.tlon ., ,he Un/, v.f"IY 0' ., Pin. SIu" .nd ch.". 'he sut1commlttH on crt"'c.tlOn 0' th. A'....n...' EducatIOn. Cmlt/carlOn .nd Ev.'u.tion Commltt..,

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("t'rllfl("al lon as w1I as pro∑ t:ralll t"lf.∑.. U....∑ness .. " ..uhl I't'm that many Ar∑ kan" .. " ;,rt∑ alt ...n..ttng to es∑ lahl"h a nl'''" and nl'edl'd con∑ t'IIII among the publt(' c∑h""I,. IIn l\"l' s iU e s and slal "'∑I.arlnwnt of E d ucat i on .. h,,'h m ight result in a coo..r∑ altH' as WI'II as collaborahv I'II ..rt to rl'form educational . l.r.. ... I("e 'in th . tand of Up∑ purtumly'" Indeed, the theme uf thl' SI.ring 1984 conference of Ihl' Arkansas Assoriatiun of (∑ulll∑ges for Teacher Educa∑ tum and the Arkansas Assucia∑ tum or Teachl'r Educators was ∑"("ua\J.ticin Building'" Within thiS cuntext, it must be "ointed Ollt that the now famous tea('her testinl provision of tlouse 811147 WIS only one ell" ment in' this important and

Chanrellor Jaml'sYoung of the l'niverslly of Arkan .. s al Lillie ROl'k In hiS addr"s I" the Teacher Educ∑ .. .. .,11 ('oun" cil of the stal.. n.lle!:,∑s and un ive rsilies III Sail Anlonio seems to prondc' " ral lollilll' for the contnl\ l.",slal Il∑'ltn pro" islon
"The major reason for Ihe tal' hl'r tsling pro\iwn was to on.'e and fo r all lay 10 rl'1 the l"lIOll'nllOn Ihal Ial' h t∑ " are Incomp.∑tent. Go\"_ Chnlon oC Ark .lR sas IS morl' perrl'pltvl' than Ihose of us In leachr l'd∑ u cal i o n or the pra"lirlll t ea clJl' rs and superintl'nd"nls tie r e cogn iz ed that un .. 1 Ihe myth of teac her i ncomJlc'\c'lIfe is finally laid to rest. Ihere ran be n.. hope of makllll! the fu n ∑ damenl .. 1 c han s tn learnint: requirt.'me nts whirh are ∑1I,ce s∑ sary lie saw Ihe Im ml'diafe nl'l'd t.. focus allenllOIl UII Ihe real issues of l' duraliun alld that the core of Ihe prohlt.'m∑ lay squarely in Ihe eroded standards and requiremenls foilearners . . '


Thl're is lin queshon thal thc I soml' dlSagrl't'ml'lIl III 'r Arkan as un'r Ih,' "hllll' I,∑sl∑ Ill/: 1,,11". h .. "l∑\l∑r. It nll.:hl hl' III 1111,∑ ..∑,1 10 I,,"rllst.' Ihe' I",h∑ lin of Ih,' ,It∑h ..t,∑ ":hl' IIfI'SI' . d"nt of th,∑ A . kan\as Edt,,∑a∑ tlon ,,\!'t!'.t)(∑.aIIUfi has ("on Il'nd('d Ih il l till' I!ne rnor ∑∑ .. Uhl∑"∑∑ th,' It'l!lslalurs wllh I'0lll"'al fa, or, "nd thill ∑ ∑ .. e ha\' a n lllllh"r III .. .∑dlll∑rks III l ()tlr "rk.'n'ls 1.c.∑II.uure∑∑ Cllllrnlllll.llli h" Ih c I'x(" 'ull\' ' dHl',∑lnr of '-h.∑ ,\E-\ arl:lI,'d Ihitl anv ∑∑h∑ ... fln..: of \"t"I' tea('tlt'r \"ulllll t"!'.c'rlnunale &Ia,:illnsl hl,ilck tc∑a∑IH∑r ht'(Oausc of a p('cuharl)" SUlllhc,"1t Jl h e∑ nomollon Ihe II r."u nlahl y tn f,'uor h lac' k rolle/:c' ..

nt 'or curriculum and instruc, Ion for the I.iull' Ilor,k public ,∑hoo\s. SIIt'aklllt: fur 50me 35 I""k adnllnistrators. SlIpU' :11,'d th'!t..... e ta ke ,'ceptllln (J Ihe .. ay in "'hu'h blac k col∑ It∑!:"s and un l\t'rSIIIl'S Clln∑ tlnue to be Iml'Ut:lwd dunnl th ,∑ debate over h'sl tn' ., It was I,∑n to R Starr. I'dUur of Ihl' Arlco",'", 11,,",,∑r.. '. to ron∑ "hllie "Thrt'e ch,∑l'rs fur Ilr II 1I"njamtn Wllhilms and IJr 1.I..d V "arklt∑ rllr "hall"IIC' 1111: the" rarlsm h"lnt: ,II a,'llrt'd '} Ihl' Arkan;ls .:oIu.∑"IIon As∑ s.... . ..U.,n In Its "II cl.∑'.111II1 haule agal ll st tead... r ,,∑,1lilt: ..

Jonathan KOlo!", "1J"alh at an Early Aile."

As I haye postulatd in othr places, th problem that puor pl"ople have .... Ih Ira∑ demlc achlvemnt ruults from inadquate ('urnl∑ululn. waten'dduwn cuun"s. lO a,'r u , fi" ad\'lslOl a'id luw ,∑ ....l"∑ta∑ hlln Thl' rl' IS no Clul'\IIOn that thl' rulurl' (If black cluhlrt'n IS thrl'.lh'"ed an,l II .. III hl' ,It∑∑ stru",1 Ir Ih",e ..r,."∑,, . .... ,,1 Ina... ∑.luar ... 5 arl' not c∑ . . r re.... ∑.' In hurt. II " nul que" wn or ....I . .r bUI ∑∑ f rtlllll'" lenc,∑
alany Arkanans ar IP' y"h'ed with the important work uC thl' day. tlll'lI are ctlm∑ ml th∑d tu Ihl' fUl ure of their slah∑. and IIIt'Y are COmPl'tl'nt in thei r l'lforts They will nut allo ..∑ the eh lldrt.'n of Arkansas to lol','ome Ihe \ l ct l ms of Ihe pollltt∑s uf ,"... l∑r and panu' Th.. ∑ art.' alll'lIIl.tinl: tn alls\\t'r , a funda m l' lIt.. 1 'IUt's"nn llare Arkansas hUlhl rhn(lh itlld culll'g5. c lt 'du ' ate d to ,-,"" t ∑l ∑ lence. Inihah'd by "omnll" ml'nt. bast'd un invnh''''lIIl'lIt and foundt.'d un coml'l∑tl'ne.:?

lor Lloyd\"

On Ih,' olh"r hand . ( 'ha net∑l∑ 1I;"'kll'}" nf Ih e Unlversily of Arkansas al Pille Bluff illdll'alt'd Ih:11 IIw AEA's position on It' sl lng ."defilll'oI blacks as inferwr alld Illeum, ' I'('t('n l no m ath r hll,," Ih ..)∑ 010 on Ih,' tI'SI '" In 'hCHI. Ch"nrl'l∑ Inr 1\:.ckII'Y run"ch'rs Ihe rl" mark, ..f Ih,' AE,\', "x"c'ull\'e dl " c'lor a ∑∑muIIIIII't.'lIlal l II' u ll ' to hlack "'II.. h∑∑∑ Ful lht'r' more. Dr. I I IIl'lIj;tlnlll WII hams. aSSOl'lal,∑ Slll,,∑ulllt.'nd∑

dean at ∑ predomi, antly bla,'k university, 1 find ht' rt marks uf the prl'sident ur U,e .\Jo:A as wl'lI as thuse of Its ,∑,,∑,'ul"'e Iire(t"r dalnaCIOI a nti harmful to t ea ('he r edtl,∑a∑ IlIIn at UA"U in pa ticular and ill Ihe slate of Ar kans a s In Ken∑ Nal It would s,'l'm Ihat thl' 1t∑"oIl∑rship cadn' uC the At:. ach Ul att.' S racism 11\ its highl'st ∑ f.. rlll by st tgmal l Z ll Ig black stll' ch∑"b and It'achers as fallurt's. 1t ..1c∑,∑d. tillS prac h(' e oC' ste reo ' t)lll nt: 15 best dt.'scnhl'd by





TUESDAY. JUNE 12" 1984


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Arkansas Federation of Teachers, "Remain Committed to Improving Arkansas' Education," in American Federation of Teachers Historical Collection Historical Collection, Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University, Item #3480056, (accessed March 12, 2025).


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