Letter describing the Tennessee Career Plan
Norfolk Federation of Teachers (1984-10)
Item Metadata (#3480068)
ID: 3480068
Title: Letter describing the Tennessee Career Plan
Creator: Norfolk Federation of Teachers
Date: 1984-10
Description: Documents describing the Tennessee Career Ladder Plan
Subjects: Education Reform
Location: Norfolk, VA
Original Format: Paper
Source: Norfolk Federation of teachers,. (1984, October). Tennessee career ladder plan. 2.
Publisher: WPR
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555 NEW JERSEY AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20001 202/879-4400
October 1, 1984
Mr. Sol Smith Norfolk Federation of Teachers 3620 Tidewater Drive Norfolk, Virginia 23509 Dear Sol: Attached are recent documents describing the Tennessee Career Ladder Plan, as you requested. Assuming this Thursday's speaker is part of Virginia's develop~ent of its own career ladder plan, here are some questions you might want to raisef.,
* _ are How,
they informing, their teachers about the' process, ab 0'1:1 t' the specifics of the research that are being built into the process?
How have they developed the instrumentation and the process of their teacher evaluation system? How much time is necessary in planning a legally defensible teacher evaluation instrument and procedure? What kinds of changes in staff development procedures are necessary and how are they being effected? What are the mistakes to avoid in developing a comprehensive career ladder plan? How much time is necessary to work out all the specifics of the plan? (The purpose of this type of question would be to get the Virginia people to see how much time is necessary to develop a sound plan.) How did they come to the decision regarding the length of time necessary to qualify for each step and how do they rationalize this? How much did they raise base teacher salaries in addition to the career ladder? (They raised i t 10%, but this should be emphasized for the Virginia plan to be effective.) What's involved in the validation of the criteria for the teacher evaluation program?
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Mr. Sol Smith Page 2 October 1, 1984
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What is the distinction going to be for current teachers and new teachers? If this program rewards meritorious teachers, how do the criterion differ from those that measure basic competence? How are teachers involved in the decision-making process at the fundamental levels of program development?
I hope this information is useful for you. Please give me a call after you've looked at the material and we can talk further, if you'd like. Sincerely,
Debbie Walsh Assistant Director Educational Issues Department DW:mmp opeiu2aflcio