Roy Reuther: A Brotherly Spirit and Shrewd Mind

Roy Reuther through the Archives

Roy Reuther played a critical role in transforming the course of the American labor movement and advancing the cause of progressive politics. He led the charge at the Flint Sit-Down Strike that jumpstarted the influential United Auto Workers (UAW), and his get-out-the-vote initiatives for the Democratic Party made the gains of the Great Society possible.


Composed of newly available photos and artifacts from the Roy Reuther Papers at the Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, this exhibit hopes to demonstrate the personal side of an individual who helped change the face of America.


This project was created as a part of the Michael B. Wells Digital Librarian initiative at the Reuther Library by Katie Okonowski. Katie is an MLIS candidate at Wayne State University’s School of Information Science.