Old Negotiations Manual for Local 1071

Local 1071, Roseville, MI (1973-01)

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Item Metadata (#3480028)

ID: 3480028

Title: Old Negotiations Manual for Local 1071

Creator: Local 1071, Roseville, MI

Date: 1973-01

Description: Old 1973 Negotiations Manual

Subjects: Eduation

Location: Roseville, MI

Original Format: Paper

Source: Local 1071, Roseville, MI, . (1973). Old negotiations manual for local 1071. 1.

Publisher: WPR

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ROSEVILLE, MICHIGAN - LOCAL 1071 (Old 1973 Negotiations Manual)

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The Superintendent of Schools and the Secondary Vice-President of the RFT shall be ex officio (no vote) members of the council. The purpose of the council shall be to promote continuity in the development and appraisal of the instructional program. It∑ shall: 1. serve as a coordinating and collecting agency for proposed curriculum changes; establish pri6rities for review and study; make recommendations to the Superintendent and Board of Education.

2. 3.


The Board shall provide five (5) days of release time per year for the Curriculum Council to hold meetings during the normal school day. Specific meetings times will be established by the council. The council may schedule additional meetings outside of normal teaching hours.


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Local 1071, Roseville, MI, "Old Negotiations Manual for Local 1071," in American Federation of Teachers Historical Collection Historical Collection, Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University, Item #3480028, https://projects.lib.wayne.edu/aft/items/show/32 (accessed March 12, 2025).


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