Section of contract on professional development

Cincinatti Federation of Teachers (1988-11)

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Item Metadata (#3480071)

ID: 3480071

Title: Section of contract on professional development

Creator: Cincinatti Federation of Teachers

Date: 1988-11

Description: Part of a contract talking about professional development and salaries

Subjects: Education Reform

Location: Cincinatti, OH

Original Format: contract

Source: Cincinatti Federation of Teachers,. (1988, November). Professional development section of contract. 16.

Publisher: WPR

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promotion into Administration


page 13


Teachers who are interested in promotion should contact the Certificated Personnel Office for Information concerning selection procedures. In order to enhance communications, the Federation shall be notified of any changes concerning the selection procedures for∑ promotion to either assistant principal or associate supervisors.

5 6 7 8 9


Representatjon on Committees The Board recognizes the Federation's role in representing the professional interests and concerns of teachers. The Board and Federation agree that participation by teachers who work directly with students Is Important for continued development of sound educational policies and programs. From time to time, district-wide or area-wide committees may be established. When such committees address issues of professional Interest and concern to teachers, teachers will be involved. On any district-wide committee established by the Board which includes teacher representation, such representatives shall be appointed by the CFT. On any area-wide committees (Areas 1, 2, or 3) established by the Board which include teacher representatives, such representatives shall be appointed by the CFT. On any multi-school committees established by the Board which Include teacher representatives, such representatives shall be appointed by the TBC from each of the schools Involved. When a committee has been charged with making recommendations to the Superintendent. the Superintendent will respond to the committee about hlslher Intentions regarding the report. In regard to a/l committees. CFT and the Board are committed to race and gender balance and will seek the appropriate representation on each committee in regard to teaching fields. grade levels or other specialized roles. An administrative procedure will be drafted In consultation with the Federation that defines the functioning of district-wide joint committees.

10 11 12


13 15


16 17 18 19

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26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34




Career in Teaching program The CFT and the Board are both committed to Improving the profeSSion of teaching. A profession offers opportunities for professional growth. Involvement In decision making. communication and collaboration and Increased responsibilities and accountability.∑ By implementing change∑ in the organization of schools. teachers will have the opportunity to take on greater responsibilities which will bring with It greater status. higher salary. opportunities to collaborate. as well as leadership roles to Improve instruction and student achievement. We also view a career In teaching program as a way to give incentives to attract and keep quality teachers In the profession. To this end. we jointly are committed to designing and implementing a career In teaching program ∑

36 37 38

page 14

2 3

Joint CommlJtu
A joint Federation/Administration committee consisting of six members appointed by the Federation and six members appointed by the Superintendent shall be formed to develop a car"r ladder. The plan, or so much of it as has been agreed upon by November 1, 1988, shall be submitted to the Federation and the Board tor approval prior to implementation. However, at the request of the Federation, the Career in Teaching Program may be made the subject of negotiations beginning December 1, 1988. Specific guidelines shall be given to the committee. The plan shall include the following:

5 6 7

8 9

( 1) The car. . Ladder shall include at least four career development levels:
Level I

11 12


I nterD: A teacher remains an intern until a satisfactory appraisal. but must successfully complete internship In two years. An intern is subject to non-renewal after one year and shall be non-renewed if the two-year internship. is not successfully completed.
Resident: A teacher who has successfully completed internship or is exempted by the program guidelines and has not met the criteria outlined for a career teacher.

16 17

Level II,


Level 1/1


Career: A teacher who has met the criteria mutually agreed upon as part of the plan, for example, continuing contract, permanent
certificate or earned Master's Degree.

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Level IV

.LaId: Lead teachers are selected from the career teacher level


have met lddItional criteria established by the plan. Lead teachers
&hal accept assignments, Including teaching assignments, meeting the dis1rlct's instructiOnal needs. Advancement to the level of Lead Teacher shall not be automatic. The number of Lead Teacher posJtIons shall be determined annually by the needs of the district, but shall be at least 10% of the bargaining unit by the third year of the Career In Teaching Program. For 1990-91, and 1991-92, the number of lead teacher positions shall be determined by the amount of money allocated andlor supplemented under Paragraph (c) below divided by the lead teacher annual stipends Ht forth In the plan. Lead teachers' duties might Include the following: consulting teachers, curriculum specialists, staff development specialists, demonstration teachers, department

32 33

35 36

Lead teachers shall have the right to return to the same schools

38 39 40 41

and to the same or similar lSIigM1ents without lotio' seniority. Laad teacherS shall receive stipends above their salary as career teecherl. Such pay will be in recognition of the additional time
worked and additional responsibilities. A teacher shal be considered for designation as a lead teacher and for any lead teacher role notwithstanding the current Itaff racial
balance at the school of hiSiher current assignment.

42 43 44



page 14




6 7


A joint Federation/Administration committee consisting of∑ six members appointed by the Federation and six members appointed by the Superintendent shall be formed to develop. car..r ladder. The plan, or so much of it as has been agreed upon by November 1, 1988, shall be submitted to the Federation and the Board tor approval prior to Implementation. However, at the request of the Federation, the Career in Teaching Program may be made the subject of negotiations beginning December 1, 1988. Specific guidelines shall be given to the committee. The plan shall include the following:
( 1)

The car. Ladder shall include at IelSt four caraer development levels:
Lav.' I

12 13 14 15
16 17 18

I nt'rn: A teacher remains an intern until a satisfactory appraisal, but must successfully complete internship in two years. An Intern is subject to non-renewal after one year and shall be non-renewed If the two-year internship. is not suc:ceSlfuIly completed.
Besldent: A teacher who has successfully completed internship or is exempted by the program guidelines and has not met the criteria outlined for a career teacher.
Career: A teacher who has met the criteria mutually agreed upon as part of the plan, for example, continuing contract, permanent certifiCate or earned Master's Degree.

Level II,


Level III

20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Lev., IV

1ud: lAid teachers are selected from the CItNr teacher level and
have met lddItIonai crIt.ria .stablished by the plan. Lead teachers shall accept assignments, Including teaching assignments, meeting the dlI1rtcrs instructional needs. Advancement to the level of Lead
Teacher shall not be automatic. The number of Lead Teacher

positions lIIaN be determined annually by the neada of the district, but ahaH be at least 10% of the bargaining unit by the third year of the Career In Teaching Program. For 199()'91, and 1991-92,
the number of lead teacher positions shall be determined by the amount of money allocated and/or supplemented under Parlgraph (c) below divided by the lead teacher annual stipends ..t forth In the plan. Lead teachers' duties might Include the followlno: consulting teachers, curriculum specialists, staff development specialists, demonstration teachers, department

33 34


37 38

Lead teacherl shall have the right to return to the schools and to 1M same or similar IIIIgnments without loll of seniority. LNd teacherS shall receive stipends above their salary ∑ career tHcMrI. Such pay wi. be in recognition of the additional time worked and additional responsibilities.

39 40


A ~r thai be considered for designation IS ∑ lead teacher and


tor MY .... ..acher role notwithstanding the current ltaff racial balance at the SChool of hislher current assignment

1 2

( 2) Wherever education Is a criteria for advancement It Is understood that both university credits and state-approved CEU's are acceptable. ( 3) Advancement to the career teacher level shall be available to all teachers who meet the established criteria. Any teacher with 10 years experience, at least 5 of which are in Cincinnati Public Schools, shall have the opportunity to apply and be assessed for the position of lead teacher. ( .) The Career in Teaching Program shall extend to other position classifications such as counselors, psychologists, visiting teachers. librarian and teacher librarian. b. Joint panel Once a Career in Teaching Program is established, a six member joint panel shall be appointed by CFT and the Board. The term of each member shall be no longer than 3 years except that the initial terms of the panel members shall be 2, 3 and 4 years. There shall be co-conveners, one appointed by the Federation and one appointed by the Superintendent. The panel will oversee the assessment process, credential the lead teachers and recommend additional roles and responsibilities for lead teachers, but will not assign lead teachers to positions. The panel will administer the appeals process. The assessment process will occur during 1989∑90 for the first group of lead teachers. c. phased In Implementation In order to allow for the necessary time for teachers to meet their criteria for advancement of the career ladder, the Career In Teaching Program will be implemented in September, 1990. The Board will allocate $500,000 each school year beginning In September, 1990. The CFT and Board agree to mutually seek funding to supplement the planning and Implementation of the plan, Including the funding of additional Lead Teacher positions.

5 8


7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1" 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


2" 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 37 38 39 ∑40 41


Cincinnati Teacbers professional Development Fund The Board and Federation share the mutual goal of encouraging ongoing professional growth through participation In professional organizations and educational conference~. Therefore. the Board and Federation agree, effective September 1, 1988, to:


Joint Commjttee A joint committee comprised of an equal number of teachers appointed by the Federation and administrators appointed by the Superintendent will develop recommendations about criteria, and application procedures for the professional development activities referred to In Paragraphs b, c and d below. Any procedures that Involve evaluating proposals shall Inciude teachers In the evaluation process. The committee is expected to complete Its work by May 1, 1988 and will reconvene In April 1989 to review criteria and application procedures in light of the first year's experience. Communications regarding the Cincinnati Teachers Professional Development Fund shall be sent on a letterhead, bearing its name and Indicating that the fund Is a cooperative undertaking of the Board and the Federation.


page 16
b. Conference/Convention Fund The Board shall establish a professional conference/convention fund of $90,000 annually. These funds may be used for travel, lodging, registration fees, substitute

3 4


coverage and food.
c. Conyerslon of CElls on Salary Schedule The Board shall grant credit on the saJary schedule for compfetlon of state-approved CEU at the rate of one graduate hour for each three CEU's. The committee will develop the guidelines.

6 7

- 8


Sabbatical Leaye The Board shall offer sabbaticlil leaves at half pay and full benefits. not to exceed one year in length. Sabbaticals shal be governed by the guidelines established by the Joint Commit" described in Paragraph (a) above. Sabbaticals may be granted for study or other professional growth experiences germane to the needs of the district. Teachers who are granted a sabbatical must agr" to return to the district for a twoyear period immediately toUowtng the period of leave. In 1988-89, there win be 5 leaves granted, in 89-90 ten leaves granted, and In 90-91 twen1y leaves granted.


10 11
12 13

15 16

18 19


District-Wide Conference The Board shall establish a fund of $30,000 annually for a district-wide profeSSional conference and/or In-service programs plannld jointly by the Board and Federation. One day will be added to the teacher work year which shall be for this purpose. All 190 day contracts shall be changed to 191.




Teaching Outside Area of CertlfJeatlpn No teacher shall be required as a condition of employment to teach outside hislher area of certification.


Benewa' of Certificate Teachers who have a certificate on file In the P8I'IOI"1i1e1 Office which needs to be renewed shall be informed by the administration of the necessity 10 renew In January of the year of renewal.




Be-Employment gf UmHed Contract Tea<;bera
Limited contract teachers who are r.empfoyed shall be Offered their contract before the close of the school tann.

33 34 35 36 37 4.

Contract Renewal A contract shall be considered automatically renewed unless notification Is given by April 30, except that supplementary contracts shall termlna.e upon completion of the assigned duties and payment therefore and are not subject 10 notiftcatlon to the employee of non-renewal.


2 3 4

CQnferenceJCgnyention Fund The Board shall establish a professional conference/convention fund of $90,000 annually. These funds may be used for travel, lodging, registration ,..s, substitute


coverage and bod.
Conyerslon of CElfs gn Salary Sc;bedula

7 8
10 11

The Board shall grant credit on the salary schedule for completion of state-appt'oved CEU at the rate of one graduate hour for each three CEU's. The committee will develop the guidelines.


SabbatjcaJ Leaye The Board shaJl offer sabbaticll leaves at hal pay and fud benefits. not to exceed one year in length. Sabbaticals shal be goyemed by the guidelines estabUshed by the Joint Commltee described in Paragraph (a) above. Sabbaticals may be granted for study or other professional growth experiences germane 10 the needs of the district. Teachers who are granted a sabbatical must agrH to return to the district for a twoyear period immediately following the period of leave. In 1988-19. Ihere wiD be 5 leaves granted, in 89-90 ten Ieav.. granted, and In 90-91 twenty leaves granted.



15 16

18 19


District-Wide ConferenQ8 The Board shall establish a fund of $30,000 annually for a district-wide professional conference andlor In-service programs plannld jointly by the eoard and Federation. 0". day be added to the teacher work year which shall be for this purpose. All 190 day contnldl shall be changed to 191.





24 25

Teaching Oytsjde Arel Of Certifk;atlpo
No teacher shall be required as a condition of employment to teach outside hislher area of certification.

27 28 29



or CertJfiGatt

Teachers who have I certiflcate on fie In the PerlOtii18l OffIce which needs to be renewed shall be informed by the administration of the necessity to renew In January of the year of renewal.



Be-Employment of

limited Cootrac;l TelChem

33 4.

Limited contract teachers who are r.employed shall be offered their conIrICt before the close of the school term. Contract Benewal A contract shaJl be considered automatlcaHy renewed unless notification Is given by April 30, except that supplementary contracts shall terminate upon completion of the assigned duties and payment therefore and are not subied to notiftcation to the employee of non-renewal.


36 37

...∑ .., . . .



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The bargaining agent may appeal the decision of the SSMI SDM Crlevance Commfttee within five days of Its rendering. The notice of Intent to appeal shall be communicated, in writing, to the Associate Superintendent for Legislative and Labor Relations, Desegregation, and Policy Development. FaUure to appeal the decision of the SSMISDM Crlevance Committee within five days shall constitute acceptance by the aggrieved employee(s) and the bargaining agent of the decision as being a satisfactory resolution of the issues raised ∑


The parties agree to the following alternate Step III grievance procedures: a. If' the bargaining agent appeals the Step II decision, the Superintendent and the UTD Executive Vice President (or their designees) shall schedule a meeting to take place at a mutually agreeable time not more than 12 days after receipt by the Superintendent of such notice of appeal. Within 12 days of the Step III meeting, the Superintendent and UTD Executive Vice President (or their designees) shall render a decision and shall Immediately communicate that decision, In writing, to the aggrieved employee( s). Copies of the decision shall be sent to the bargaining agent and the Sureau of. Legislative and Labor Relations, Desegregatlon, and Policy Development. Failure to appeal the decision rendered at Step III to the Assistant Superintendent, Office of School Sased Management, within five days by notice of intent to submit to arbitration, shall deem the decision at Step III to be final and no further appeal will be pursued.




The parties agree to follow the Arbitration procedures in Appendix A at SBM/SDM schools. CAREER ACHIEVEMENT (CAREER LADDER) PILOT PROCRAM FOR TEACHERS


The parties reaffirm their commitment to educational excellence and Improvement of the overall quality of Instruction by attracting and retaining superior teachers through establishment of a system of career advancement based upon superior performance, professional growth and development, and economic Incentives. Accordingly, the parties agree to develop a pilot Career Achievement (Career Ladder) Program for Teachers during the 1988-89 school year, for initial Implementation during the 1989-90 school year, subject to School Board approval. The following criteria Illustrate components which may be considered for Inclusion In the pilot Career Achievement Program.


Participation in the program shall be voluntary and participation or non-participation shall have no effect on the Individual employee's contractual status; nor shall participation or non-146-

participation be considered a factor in the assessment of an employee's performance. -. 2. To qualify for Lead Teacher deSignation, an applicant shall: a. Have earned it Masters' degree In field (as defined in contractual guidelines for credential payments) from an accredited Institution of higher learning and possess valid Florida te~ching credentials or be authorized to teach in Florida public schools, pursuant to applicable state laws and State Board of Education Rules. Possess a professional service contract or a continuing contract. Spend at least 50' of employment time in direct work with students. Demonstrate exemplary performance.

b. c. d.

Career Achievement Program Lead Teachers shall receive an annual salary incentive. Career Achievement Program Lead Teachers shall be required to undertake additional instructional leadership responsibilities, such as the following:

Serve as Peer Teacher Provide Peer Assistance and Intervention Serve as I ntern Supervisor Conduct Staff Inservlce (School/Area/District) Engage in Demonstration Teaching Serve in a School Leadership Capacity (e.g., Department/ Grade-Level Chairperson, Chairperson of Facul ty Council or Shared Decision-Making Cadre).

o o o


The parties agr.. to develop a profile through which schools in the district are determined to be eligible for inclusion in the pilot car..r Achievement Program. School Assessment Factors may Include, but aN not limited to, the following:
o Staf'

turnover, number of beginning teachers ,attendance. educational credentials and experience levels socioeconomic levels. achievement levels I test scores, attendance, expu Is ions / suspens ions I al ternati ve school referrals. enrollment. transiency/mobility dropout profile/retentions, graduation rates

o Stucien ts

~rticipation be considered a 'actor in the assessment of an employee's performance. _.


To qualify for lead Teacher designation, an applicant shall: a. Have earned a Masters' degree In field (as defined in contractual guidelines for credential payments) from an accredited Institution of higher learning and possess valid Florida teaching credentials or be authorized to teach in Florida pubUc schools, pursuant to applicable state laws and State Board of Education Rules. Possess a professional service contract or a continuing contract. Spend at least 50' of employment time in direct work with students. Demonstrate exemplary perforlMnce.

b. c. d. 3. 4.

Career Achievement Program lead Teachers shall receive an annual salary IncentIve. Career AChIevement Progrlfft lelld Teachers shall be required to undertake additional Instructlona' lelldershlp responsibilities, such as the following:

Serve as Peer Teacher Provide Peer AssIstance and InterventIon Serve as Intern Supervisor Conduct Staff Inservlce (School/Area/District) Engage in Demonstration Teaching Serve in a School leadership Capacity (e.g., Department/ Grade-Level Chairperson, Chairperson of Faculty Council or Shared Decision-Making Cadre).

o o
o o


The partl. agr.. to develop a profile through which schools In the district are determined to be eligible for Inclusion in the pilot Car..r Achievement Program. School Assessment Factors may Include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Staff

turnover, number of beginning teachers, attendance, educational credentials and experience levels socioeconomic levels, achievement levels/ test scores, attendance, expu Is Ions / suspensions /alternati ve school referrals, enrollment, transiency/mobility dropout profile/retentions, graduation rates





Facility Special Programsl Characteristics

.condition and size of building and site Exceptional Student Education, Chapter I, ESOL, Beforel After-School Care, Faculty Racial Ratio, Alternative Education, Compensatory Education, SatUf'day School Program, Community School Program


School Assessment Factors may also Include the Community Report Card. C. The parties agree to support establishment of a pilot Managerial School Improvement Program, whereby high-performing Principals are Identified and assigned to lead comprehensive school improvement efforts at Career Achievement Program pilot schools. The parties further agree to develop a Chapter I program pilot plan during the 1988-89 school year, for Implementation by January " 1989 or a later mutually agreeable date, which will Include salary Incentives for Identified exemplary teachers and support staff at a designated Chapter I school. DADE ACADEMY FOR THE TEACHINC ARTS



e Dade Academy for the Teaching Arts (DATA) has been established for the purpose of stimulating profeSSional growth. DATA provides teachers with the opportunity to participate In a planned program of seminars, clinic externships, and Independent study. Its major objectives are to: update nd expand content/subject area knowledge; broaden professiona' perspect es; and refine and enhance Instructional skills. The parties encourage participation In the DATA program by eligible teachers and agree to p sue making this opportunity available to elementary as well as secondary Ie el teachers, with 1988-89 as a planning year and with an elementary OAT pilot targeted for Implementation during the 1989-90 school year.


y for the Teaching Arts (DATA) A DCPS/UTD professional development program for teachers which incorpor es a mini-sabbatical concept and 15 designed to energize, ., and enhance the professionallzatlon of teachers.


Extern Teacher A classroom teacher who s selected to participate In the DATA professional development p ram for a nine-week period.


Resident Teacher A teacher who Is is selected for slgnment to the DATA staff. In addition to teaching classes, th Resident Teacher will conduct seminars ,~ctlon In a mentor capacity to the Extern




Teacher, coordinate clinical teaching sessions, and participate in the development and evaluation of the DATA program. 4. Adjunct Teacher An appropriately certified teacher who is selected to assume teaching responsibilities at the home school of the Extern Teacher who is participating in the nine-week DATA program.

DA TA School-Site PrinCipal The DCPS school-site administrator who, in addition to being responsible for the overall management and supervision of the school, 15 also responsible for incorporating DATA into the total school program.


DATA Home School Principal A Principal whose teachers are involved In the DATA program as Extern Teachers or Resident Teachers.


DATA Teacher-Director The DATA shall have a TeaCher-Director appointed annually, who will coordi nate the DATA program.


DATA Participants' / Staff Rights and Responsibilities 1. DATA participants' and staff rights shall be governed by the DCPS/UTD contract, except as otherwise stipulated In this section. DA TA participants and staff shall be considered on temporary assignment and shall be entitled to the same contractual rights and benefits as employees on leave, as well as other rights/ benefits stipulated in this section. Extern Teachers a. b. The Extern Teacher Is selected to participate in DATA for a nine-week period. For purposes of orientation∑ and professional development, Extern Teachers who participate In the DATA training program during the school year's first nine-week period may receive two additional days of employment prior to the beginning of the regular school year at the individual's actual dally rate. Extern Teachers shall be free of responsibilities at the home school while attending DATA. Extern Teachers receiving supplements for duties assigned during the school day at their home school assignment, Including the 6th period supplement, shall continue to



c. d.

Teacher, coordinate clinical teaching sessions, and participate in the development and evaluation of the OA TA program. 4. Adjunct Teacher An appropriately certified teacher who is selected to assume teaching responsibilities at the hOlM school of the Extern Teacher who Is participating in the nine-week OATA program.

OA TA School-Site Principal The OCPS school-site administrator who, in addition to being responsible for the overall management and supervision of the school, Is also responsible for Incorporating OA TA Into the total school program.


OAT A Home School Principal A Principal whose teachers are involved in the OA TA program as Extern Teachers or Resident Teachers.


OATA Teacher-Oirector The OATA shall have a Teacher-D'r.ctor appointed annually, who will coordi nate the DATA program.


OATA Participants'/Staff Rights and Responsibilities 1. OATA participants' and staff rights shall be governed by the DCPS/UTD contract, except as otherwise stipulated In this section. OATA participants and staff shall be considered on temporary assignment and shall be entitled to the same contractual rights and benefits as employees on leave, as well as other rights/ benefits stipulated in this section. Extern Teachers a. b. The Extern Teacher is selected to participate In OAT A for a nine-w..k period. For purposes of orientation∑ and professional development, Extern Teachers who participate In the∑ OAT A training program during the school year's first nine-w..k period may receive two additional days of employment prior to the beginning of the regular school year at the individual's actual daily rate. Extern Teachers shall be free of responsibilities at the home school while attending OAT A. Extern Teachers receiving supplements for duties assigned during the school day at the'r home school assignment, including the 6th period supplement, shall continue to



c. d.

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Cincinatti Federation of Teachers, "Section of contract on professional development," in American Federation of Teachers Historical Collection Historical Collection, Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University, Item #3480071, (accessed February 5, 2025).


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