Career in Teaching Plan

Rochester Teachers Association (AFT) (1988-05)

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Item Metadata (#3480072)

ID: 3480072

Title: Career in Teaching Plan

Creator: Rochester Teachers Association (AFT)

Date: 1988-05

Description: Rochester, NY Career in Teaching Plan

Subjects: Education Reform

Location: Rochester, NY

Original Format: Paper

Source: Rochester Teachers Association,. (1988, May). Career in teaching plan. 12.

Publisher: WPR

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The Rochester Career In Teaching Plan shall constitute an Agreement between the City School District of Rochester, New York and the Rochester Teachers Association. The provisions of this Agreement shall be effective May 18, 1988. This Agreement shall supersede any inconsistent provisions of the Contractual Agreement including its Appendices between the Rochester City School District and the Rochester Teachers Association dated July 1, 1987-June 30, 1990. All other provisions of the Contractual Agreement including its Appendices by and between the parties shall remain in effect. CAREER LEVELS All full-time teachers active Career In Teaching Plan.

the Rochester City School District shall participate in the

The Career In Teaching Plan shall include four career development levels: Levell Level II Level III Level IV Intern Teacher Resident Teacher Professional Teacher Lead Teacher


Newly hired teachers shall be assigned to Level I (Internship) or Level II (Residency) as a condition of hiring. The Joint Governing Panel or its designee shall determine the status of each new hire. The assigned career development level will be included on the Personnel Department's Recommendation for Assignment. All full-time teachers currently (1987-88) employed by the Rochester City School District will be assigned a career development level status by the Personnel Department on or before July 1, 1988. Career development levels will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Joint Governing Panel. School administrative staff will receive notification of the career level status of teachers prior to the beginning of school. The teacher's decision to advance from Level III (Professional Teacher) to Level IV (Lead Teacher) will be voluntary. Placement in the Lead Teacher category shall be based on an open, competitive process.



JOINT GOVERNING PANEL The Career In Teaching Plan shall be directed by the loint Governing Panel. The 10 member loint Governing Panel shall be composed of five members appointed by tbe Rochester Teachers Association and of five members appointed by the Superintendent of Schools. The chair will rotate annually between the two parties, with a Panel year defined as July I-June 30. The chair for the first year shall be selected by a mutually agreed on procedure. The Panel will proposc, on an annual basis, costs of Panel and program operation to the Superintendent and the RTA President. Members on the Joint Governing Panel may be compensated for services consistent with procedures developed by the Panel and approved by the Superintendent of Schools and the RTA President. A quorum shall require the presence of seven members of the Panel. Decisions by the Panel shall require an affirmative vote of at least six Panel members. During the initial year (1988-89) of the program, the Superintendent and the RTA President shall serve as non-voting ex officio members of the Panel. The loint Governing Panel wiU develop and make program and policy recommendations con∑ cerning implementation of the Career In Teaching Plan to the Superintendent of Scbools and the RTA Pre~ident. The Panel wiU implement policy and will delineate the roles, responsibilities, ex∑ pectations and success measures (or each career stage. In addition, Panel responsibilities may include but not be limited to: assuring coordination of activities with appropriate departments; monitoring and evaluating program development; and monitoring teacher career development and advancement under the Career In Teaching Plan. . The Panel will recommend additional policy and practice improvements related to systemic issues affecting the Career In Teaching Plan to the Superintendent of Schools and RTA President. The Joint Governing Panel shall assume all PAR Panel responsibilities related to PAR Internship and Intervention. During 1988, the PAR Panel may assist in implementing the Career In Teaching Plan as approved by the Superintendent of Schools and RTA President. The Joint Governing Panel wiU develop procedures for soliciting and processing proposals for Lead TeaCher positions in the District, including proposals developed by school based planning committees. The Panel shall identify, in-writing. the organizational placement; the responsibilities; the report~ ing, supervision and evaluation procedures; and the appropriate compensation (or each Lead Teacher position and assignment. Theloint Governing Panelwill develop thejob announcement, application form and process for selection in each category of Lead Teacher.


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JOINT GOVERNING PANEL The Career In Teaching Plan shall be directed by the loint Governinl Panel. The 10 member Joint Governing Panel shall be composed of five members appointed by the Rochester Teachers Association and of five members appointed by the Superintendent of Schools. The chair will rotate annually between the two parties, with a Panel year defined as July I∑June 30. The chair for the first year shall be selected by a mutually agreed on procedure. The Panel will propose. on an annual basis, costs of Panel and program operation to the Super∑ intendent and the RTA President. Members on the Joint Governing Panel maybe compensated for services consistent with procedures developed by the Panel and approved by the Superinten∑ dent of Schools and the RT A President. A quorum shall require the presence of seven members of the Panel. Decisions by the Panel shall require an affirmative vote of at least six Panel members. During the initial year (1988∑89) of the program, the Superintendent and the RTA President shall serve as non-yoting ex officio members of the Panel. The Joint Governing Panel will develop and make program and policy recommendations concerning implementation of the Career In Teaching Plan to the Superintendent of Scbools and the RTA Pre}ident. The Panel will implement policy and will delineate the roles, responsibilities, ex∑ pectations and success measures for each career stage. In addition. Panel responsibilities may include but not be limited to: assuring coordination of activities with appropriate departments; monitoring and evaluating program development; and monitorinl teacher career development and advancement under the Career In Teaching Plan. The Panel will recommend additional policy and practice improvements related to systemic issues affecting the Career In Teaching Plan to the Superintendent of Schools and RTA President. The Joint Governing Panel shall assume all PAR Panel responsibilities related to PAR Intern∑ ship and Intervention. During 1988, the PAR Panel may assist in implementing the Career In Teaching Plan as approved by the Superintendent of Schools and RT A President. The Joint Governing Panel will develop procedures for soliciting and processing proposals for Lead TeaCher positions in the District, including proposals developed by school based planning committees. The Panel shall identify, in writing, the organizational placement; the responsibilities; the report∑ ing, supervision and evaluation procedures; and the appropriate compensation for each lead T:':1cner l'osition and assignment. The Joint Governing Panel will develop the job announcement, application form and process for selection in each category of Lead Teacher.


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The Panel will select uad Teachers based on the qualifications (or employment and additional criteria set (onh in tbis document. At the Panel's discretion, other teachers and appropriate RCSD personnel may be involved in the Lead Teacher selection process. Selection o( Lead Teachers (or PAR Program Internships funded by the New York State Mentor TeacherInternship Program shall be in accordance with the Laws and Regulations governing that program. The Panel will direct and monitor the supervision and evaluation of Lead Teachers. The Panel shall approve a perfor;nance evaluation process for each Lead Teacher position. It is expected that, where appropriate, the evaluation of Lead Teachers will involve peers and administrators within the organizational unit to which the Lead Teacher is assigned. The loint Governing Panel shall recommend the level and type of compensation for each Lead Teacher position to the Superintendent of Schools and the RTA President. Such compensation shall be negotiated and mutually agreed to by the RTA and District. The Pane) shall monitor and document the effectiveness of the Career In Teaching Plan based on improvements in student performance and attainment and such other factors as it deems valid. The Panel shall report annually to the Superintendent and RTA President on tbe status of the Career In Teaching Plan. Concerns about any aspect of the Career In Teaching Plan may be appealed in writing to the loint Goverrung Panel. The Panel will establish procedures for such appeals.

Newly employed teachers with less than one year full-time teaching experience in their certification area in New York State shall be considered Intern Teachers. Intern Teachers may be assigned a PAR Program mentor for their first year with the District. Newly employed teachers who have had previous teaching experience may be excluded from Internship and may be assigned Residency status by tbe decision of the 10int Governing Panel. The Internship experience will include extended expeciations and requirements designed to: a) induct newly hired teachers into the District, the profession and the community; b) assist Interns to develop their pedagogical skills and to handle their other responsibilities; c) help Interns to ~evelop the skills necessary to work effectively in an urban environment; and d) inspire teacher excellence. The. extended expectations and requirements for Interns will be established by the Joint Governing Panel. . Tenured, permanently certified teachers who change tenure area may be assigned a mentor by the Panel. Intern Teachers will be supervised and evaluated by their supervisor. Intern Teachers will also be monitored and evaluated by their PAR mentor (if one is assigned). At the end of the internship period, the Joint Governing Panel is responsible for making recommendations as to the


cvntinued employment of each Intern to the Superintendent and the RTA President. A copy of such recommendation will be given to the Intern. The Joint Governing Panel's recommendation shall become part of the Intern Teacher's PersoMel file. LEVEL II: RESIDENT TEACHER Teachers who successfully complete Internship (Level I) with the District or who are exempted from Internship, but have not yet earned tenure in the Rochester City School District and/or have not yet earned permanent NYS certification shall be considered Resident Teachers. The progress of Resident Teachers shall be jointly monitored by the Panel and appropriate ad. ministrative staff. The Panel shall receive and review copies of Resident Teacher Evaluations for the purpose of identifying systemic issues and recolTllliending policy changes. Responsibility for the recommendation for appointment to tenure continues to reside and is solely in the discretion of the Superintendent. LEVEL III: PROFESSIONAL TEACHER Teachers who are tenured in the Rochester City School District and have earned permanent NYS certification in their tenure area shall be considered Professional Teachers. Professional Teacher status shall be a prerequisite for eligibility for selection and appointment as a Lead Teacher.

It is understood that the Panel will develop and recommend to the Superintendent of Schools and the RTA President a system for evaluating Professional Teachers consistent with the values of this Agreement. The evaluation system will be based on an assumption of competence, will provide opportunities for peer review, and will focus on and promote developmental and professional growth. The evaluation system shan incorporate peer intervention for teachers in need of remediation or assistance.

Lead Teacher positions wi)) provide opportunities to highly qualified teachers for professional advancement, growth and leadership while remaining in the teaching profession. Teachers in the Rochester City School District will have career options that do not require leaving the classroom to assum~ greater responsibility in shaping and improving of public education in Rochester, as student attainment and performance. uad Teachers will increase the opportunity for success oC students and teachers by exhibiting, teaching and inspiring excellence in the profession. Lead Teachers shall agree to a schedule consisting of both teaching responsibilities (or direct student contact) and additional professional responsibilities. Lead Teachers shall agree to accept assignment(s) meeting the District's instructional needs as identified to the Joint Governing Panel by the Superintendent of Schools.




cvntinued employment of each Intern to the Superi~tendent and the RTA President A copy of such recommendation will be given to the Intern. The Joint Governing Panel's recommendation shall become part of the Intern Teacher's Personnel file. LEVEL II: RESIDENT TEACHER Teachers who successfully complete Internship (Levell) with the District or who are exempted from Internship, but have not yet earned tenure in the Rochester City School District and/or have not yet earned permanent NYS certification shall be considered Resident Teachers. The progress of Resident Teachers shall be jointly monitored by the Panel and appropriate ad. ministrative staff. The Panel shall receive and review copies of Resident Teacher Evaluations for the purpose of identifying systemic issues and recommending policy changes. Responsibility for the recommendation for appointment to tenure continues to reside and is solely in the discretion of the Superintendent. LEVEL III: PROFESSIONAL TEACHER Teachers who are tenured in the Rochester City School District and have earned permanent NYS certification in their tenure area shall be considered Professional Teachers. ProCessional Teacher status shall be a prerequisite Cor eligibility for selection and appointment as a Lead Teacher.

It is understood that the Panel will develop and recommend to the Superintendent ofScbools and the RTA President a system for evaluating Professional Teachers consistent with the values of this Agreement. The evaluation system will be based on an assumption of competence, will provide opportunities for peer review, and will focus on and promote developmental and professional growth. The evaluation system shall incorporate peer intervention for teachers in need of remediation or assistance.

Lead Teacher positions will provide opportunities to highly qualified teachers for professional advancement, growth and leadership while remaining in the teaching profession. Teachers in the Rochester City School District will have career options that do not require leaving the classroom to assume greater responsibility in shaping and improving of public education in Rochester. as student attainment and performance. Lead Teachers will increase the opportunity for success of students and teachers by exhibiting, teaching and inspiring excellence in the prefession. Lead Teachers shan agree to a schedule consisting of both teaching responsibilities (or direct student contact) and additional professional responsibilities. Lead Teachers shall agree to accept assignrnent(s) meeting the District's instructional needs as identified to the Joint Govern∑ ing Panel by the Superintendent of Schools.



Lead Teachers' duties may include, but not be limited to, the following types of instruction-related or profession-related functions: mentor teachers, adjunct faculty at schools of education, curriculum development/implementation specialists; staff development specialists; test/exam specialists; research specialists; demonstration teachers. The District will ensure the posting of lead Teacher job announcements. Applicants may be considered for a variety of lead Teacher positions, based on availability and the applicants' qualifications. Applications will be kept on file fot one year for future consideration based on the expansion and/or needs of the program: In addition to submitting a properly completed application form, each applicant will be required to have the following documents submitted to the Joint Governing Panel, Office of Teacher Personnel: A letter of reference from a building principal and, if desired, another supervisor. A letter of reference from an RTA Faculty Representative. Letters of reference [rom two other RCSD teachers who are knowledgeable about the applicant's teaching skills. One additional letter of reference from an individual knowledgeable about the ap~licant's professional skills. Methods for soliciting parent and student input into the selection of Lead Teachers will be developed and implemented by the Panel by July 1, 1989. All applications and references will be confidential. Qualifications for employment as a lead Teacher will include the following: At least ten years of successful classroom teaching experience and/or direct student contact, five of which must be with the Rochester City School District. Proven ability to work successfully with students who have the greatest needs. DerTlbnstrated outstanding classroom (or direct student contact) teaching ability. Demonstrated effective written and oral communication skills. Demonstrated ability to work cooperatively and effectively with other professional staff members. Evidence of professional growth.




The following criteria shall also be considered by the Panel in the selection of Lead Teachers: commitment to improving student outcomes; knowledge and use of community support systems; involvement in professional activities; demonstrated parent communication skills; and evidence of leadership skills. Additional criteria and qualifications may be considered by the Panel, depending on the responsibilities of the position. Selection as a Lead Teacher is not a guarantee of an appointment to an assignment. Lead Teachers shall work as a Lead Teacher until the Panel confirms that service is unsatisfactory or no longer needed. Lead Teacher designation will carry a two-year term. At the end of that time period, teachers must reapply and complete a screening and selection process in order to continue in the program. Lead Teachers shall remain in the same tenure area, shall continue to accrue seniority, and shall have the right to return to their previous teaching position at the opening of the succeeding school year or as soon as practicable. Lead Teachers on active assignment will receive compensation for their services, in recognition of their additional responsibilities. Compensation may include release time from regular teach∑ ing responsibilities and/or monetary compensation for positions requiring additional time worked beyond the professional work day and year.

This Agreement and all provisions herein are subject to all applicable laws. In the event any provision of this Agreement is held to violate such laws, said provisions shall not bind either of the parties but the remainder of this Agreement shan remain in full force and effect as if the invalid provision had not been a part of this Agreement.

Peter McWalters, Superintendent or Schools Rochester City School District

Adam Urbansld, President Rochester Teachers Association

May 11, 1988




The following criteria shall also be considered by tbe Panel in the selection of Lead Teachers: commitment to improving student outcomes; knowledge and use of community support systems; involvement in professional activities; demonstrated parent communication skills; and evidence of leadership skills. Additional criteria and qualifications may be considered by the Panel, depending on the responsibilities of the position. Selection as a Lead Teacher is not a guarantee of an appointment to an assignment. Lead Teachers shall work as a Lead Teacher until the Panel confirms that service is unsatisfactory or no longer needed. lead Teacher designation will carry a two-year term. At tbe end of that time period, teachers must reapply and complete a screening and selection process in order to continue in the program. . Lead Teachers shall remain in the same tenure area, shall continue to accrue seniority, and shall have the right to return to their previous teaching position at the opening of the succeeding school year or as soon as practicable. Lead Teachers on active assignment will receive compensation for their services, in recognition of their additional responsibilities. Compensation may include release time from regular teach∑ ing responsibilities and/or monetary compensation for positions requiring additional time worked beyond the professional work day and year.

This Agreement and all provisions herein are subject to aU applicable laws. In the event any provision of this Agreement is held to violate such laws, said provisions shall not bind either of the parties but the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if the invalid provision had not been a part of this Agreement.

Peter McWalters, Superintendent or Schools Rochester City School District

Adam UrblnskJ, President Rochester Teachers Association


May 11, 1988

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Rochester Teachers Association (AFT), "Career in Teaching Plan," in American Federation of Teachers Historical Collection Historical Collection, Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University, Item #3480072, (accessed March 12, 2025).


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